Wow ascension builds 2019
Wow ascension builds 2019

Once you reach level 10, you will receive your first Talent Essence, or TE for short. However, since you’ve got spells from so many different classes, Ascension made this handy dandy pet that many people have, that you can obtain through the donation store (if you so wish, lots of people have them so it isn’t hard to find them) which will save you from having to go back to town to find someone else that has one. Another thing that you should remember is that, because this is an older version of WoW (3.3.5) you need to manually rank up your spells and it isn’t done automatically. One thing to remember is to keep allocating your stats every time you level, as every time you level up you get more stats to allocate, making you more powerful.

wow ascension builds 2019

It shouldn't take you very long to get this far in your levelling process. Gnomes and Dwarves, complete Dun Morogh Useful Info Orcs and Trolls, complete Durotar Alliance:


However, after you reach level 10, try to avoid using the free resets you get when you start, as they will come in handy later on when you begin creating your build at max level. And remember, if at anytime during your first 10 levels, you want to try out some new abilities, all Ability resets are free until level 10. By complete the first zone, I just mean level up to anywhere between level 10 and level 12.

wow ascension builds 2019

Start by completing the first zone in which you start in. There is a great guide on stat allocation linked hereĪlright! Now that all of your abilities are picked, and your stats are allocated, it is time to start the levelling process. Once you have picked your first couple of abilities, you will then be tasked with allocating your stats. If you go through the little guide at the bottom of the screen, it will help you pick your first starting abilities to help you get started in this vast world of Ascension. When you first load into Ascension your inventory will just like this. You can find a list of all the racials here In order to properly pick your race, you should think about what kind of build you want to do, and with that information, you will want to pick a race that has racials that will make you do more damage at max level. If you carefully pick your race beforehand, you will have an easier time in endgame content.

wow ascension builds 2019

While this is all well and good, it can be troublesome in the future. When you first start playing on Project Ascension it can be a bit confusing when you start to make your first character because there are no classes for you to pick like there would be normally, and because of this, most people just pick whatever race looks the coolest in their opinion. And much of the information is still relevant for new players. This guide will be following a Troll/Orc, but it could still work for the other Races.

Wow ascension builds 2019