Javascript regex match
Javascript regex match

javascript regex match

($|\W) – matches either the end of string or a non-word characterįinal Solution "bar foo baz".match(/(^|\W)cos($|\W)/) // Finds a match.(^|\W) – matches either the beginning of string or a non-word character.

javascript regex match

We will use a group separated with or (|) operator. We can wrap our string between ^ (checks if string is at beginning) and $ (checks if string is at end) characters. So you will have to check for the beginning and end also with non word character. "foo baz bar".match(/\Wcos\W/) // Does not find a match "bar foo baz".match(/\Wcos\W/) // Does not find a match This does not work as by using \W we are trying to search for a non-word character and as before the first and after the last word we don not have any non-word character the regex fails to match. Javascript answers related to regex extract string between two characters Regular Expressions: Match Single Character with Multiple Possibilities regex. No, the above will not work in case if bar is present at beginning or end of string. "foo zbar baz".match(/\Wbar\W/) // Does not find a match Now let’s see the results: "foo bar baz".match(/\Wbar\W/) // Finds a match hasIndices ): Some RegExp-related methods return match objects that describe where the regular expression matched in an input string. The \W special character matches any character that is not a word character so anything except A-Z, a-z, 0-9 and underscore. Here we can use the \W (capital W) special character to wrap your string. "foo zbar baz".match(/bar/) // Finds a match.

javascript regex match

Unlike previous methods, it’s called on a regexp, not on a string. "foo bar baz".match(/bar/) // Finds a match The regexp.exec (str) method returns a match for regexp in the string str. If you need to know if a string matches a regular expression RegExp, use (). The actual implementation comes from RegExp.prototype match (). We can use below regex but as you can see in below example it find both bar as well as zbar which is not what we want. Description The implementation of itself is very simple it simply calls the Symbol.match method of the argument with the string as the first parameter. Suppose we have text “foo bar baz” and want to find out the exact name bar using javascript regex.

Javascript regex match